***2001 [#oa37a95c] #ref(DON01.JPG,around,,15%) with Prof.Dutton and Dr.Nakayama, in Athens, September, 2001. #img(,clear) //#ref(http://www.cas.cmc.osaka-u.ac.jp/~odanaka/image/Photo05.jpg,,80x80) ***2003 [#t966ea1c] #ref(OMW03.jpg,around,,15%) with Dr.Leon, Prof.Dutton, Dr.Oldiges, Dr.Hane, Prof.Selberherr, Prof.Mayaram, and Prof.Wachutka, in Boston, September, 2003. #img(,clear) ***2004 [#ia7b3310] #ref(NScl04.jpg,around,,38%) with Prof. Nogi and his school's "students", in Tokyo, September, 2004. #img(,clear) ***2007 [#nf325968] #ref(PWOP07.JPG,around,,32%) with Dr.Pinto, Prof.Wachutka, and Prof.Pichler, in Vienna, September, 2007. #img(,clear) #ref(Oda07.JPG,around,,15%) with EDS members elected to IEEE fellow in Washington.DC, December, 2007. #img(,clear) ***2010 [#sbf63a6e]